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Media Roundup: Elation Announces the Release of Note Assist to Enable Integrated AI Documentation

Elation recently launched Note Assist to drive AI-powered documentation and empower clinicians to focus entirely on patient care. Elation’s revolutionary new solution, which is already being praised by clinicians for its benefits, is also receiving attention in the media for driving primary care innovation and setting a new bar for patient care. 

Read more about what the media had to say about Note Assist: 

Fierce Healthcare: Elation Health rolls out AI scribing tool embedded in its EHR for primary care docs

MedCity News: Elation Health Launches Its Own Clinical Documentation Tool

HIT Consultant: Elation Health Launches AI-Powered Note Generation Tool

Slice of Healthcare: Elation Health Launches AI-Powered Note Assist for Primary Care EHR

HealthcareIT News: Vendor Notebook: Specialty pharma, primary care AI to speed care

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