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70% of Clinicians Agree on AI’s Promise to Increase Efficiencies in Care Delivery, Finds Elation Health's Latest Survey Results

Elation recently conducted a survey to learn from 156 primary care clinicians who are current Elation customers on the specific challenges hindering their craft of medicine over the last year and how different technologies affect the care they provide. One of the most interesting findings was that nearly 70% of clinicians surveyed agree on AI’s promise to increase efficiencies in care delivery. 

A majority of clinicians reported that AI has been the one technology that’s made the greatest positive impact on practices within the last year and has significantly reduced “pajama time.” They shared the most optimism around the benefits of AI on the following areas: 

  • 67% believe AI holds the promise to decrease stress and burnout 

  • 65% believe AI holds the promise to increase their time and focus on their patients 

  • 60% believe AI holds the promise to decrease their cognitive burden related to patient care 

  • 59% believe AI holds the promise to increase their joy in the practice of medicine and patient care 

These survey results are consistent with results from a survey conducted by Elation in December among clinicians which also highlighted early optimism around AI scribe tools in particular and their ability to reduce documentation burden, and also patient experiences. 

The survey also highlighted the benefits of using Elation’s clinical-first EHR with a majority of respondents commenting that because of Elation the quality of patient care at their practice has increased as well as the ability to deliver patient-centered care. 

Interestingly, nearly half of those surveyed are not concerned about technology replacing the primary care profession. As Elation’s CEO and Co-Founder, Kyna Fong, recently echoed in a piece for Fast Company: “The clinician-patient relationship is not something that can ever be replaced by robots. Instead, robots should make more room for this relationship by clearing away administrative burdens and allowing for better care that is abundantly available, less rushed, and more trustful. “

Conversely clinicians surveyed are 43% more concerned about AI errors and implicit bias than its ability to replace their expertise. Several responses reflected the significant professional responsibility and liability clinicians carry with 68% of those surveyed worried about “errors that decrease trust in the technology or compromise patient safety.” This concern was followed by putting “confidentiality and privacy of my patients’ data at risk” (63% agree), “implicit bias negatively impacting vulnerable populations” (52% agree) and “increased exposure to medical liability” (52% agree). 

As more and more clinicians begin considering AI tools for their practice, Elation is continuing to explore the way AI is supporting the necessary shifts in care delivery and how it can be best harnessed to facilitate the work of primary care physicians. 

For more on the results from Elation’s latest survey, visit here